
A global security company – Going paperless with GSMtasks

In our growingly ecologically conscious society, considering the business implications of your environmental impact is becoming more critical every day. Going paperless not only helps you reduce your company’s carbon footprint, but also boosts your environmental status with your clients. However, the benefits of paperless document management are far beyond environmental implications. Read about how our client went all-digital with the help of GSM Tasks’s mobile fleet management software.


Case study summary:

  • Who is our client?
  • How digital records are bettering paper documents
  • How digital not only helps the environment, it boosts profits

A bit about our client

This case study is about is a globally recognized security company. Operating in Europe, Latin and North America, Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Middle East, they offer security solutions based on customer-specific needs through a combination of mobile, on-site, and remote guarding, electronic security, fire and safety, and corporate risk management.

“We started using GSMtasks just at the right time, as we were looking for technician management solutions,” says their development project manager about choosing us as their partner.

E-forms provide simplicity and boost efficiency

Offering a wide range of security solutions worldwide requires not only excellent logistics management but also document and client management. One way to simplify the daily work of your staff, for example, is by introducing electronic document forms to your business.

Their technicians are using electronic contract forms for the installation and maintenance of their surveillance equipment.

These paperless forms were created and customized in collaboration with GSMtasks to meet the company’s individual needs, while simultaneously helping them reduce paper document clutter in both the office and in the technician’s car.

Personnel responsible for the installation and maintenance of security systems have the GSMtasks app installed on their smart devices, where they receive all the necessary information about the client, including the digital contract form.

The electronic forms take less time to fill since the essential information about the client has already been written down, and a lot of the data can be included by just checking the option boxes. Technicians save much time spent with a client and save their time as well. Reducing working hours means more tasks can be completed in one day and translates to higher income for the company.

A technician holding a tablet computer

Digital contracts make the work of office staff a lot easier. After the technician has completed the contract, it is automatically sent to the client and can also reach the accountant via the GSMtasks system.

You are eliminating the need for bringing paper documents to the office and re-entering contract information to other databases that the business might be using. An electronic invoice can be created in just a few minutes and sent to the client’s email right away.

It’s safe to say that after including GSMtasks in their business tools, our client has helped their technicians focus on what they do best – install and repair!

Digital archiving outweighs paper record-keeping

As said before, the advantages of document digitalization are far more significant than just nature conservation. Here are some of the benefits of going paperless with the help of a field service and route planning software like GSMtasks.

Reduce paper clutter and save space

It doesn’t matter if your company is small or enterprise, paper record-keeping will get inconvenient at some point. Disorganization is easy to come by and will not help your progress in any way. Digital files take up less room than having filing cabinets stretched across your office space – space that could be utilized for a brainstorming or chill area for your staff!

With GSMtasks, all necessary documents can be provided digitally, decreasing your paper storage needs significantly.

Get better access to information

Finding the right documents can take much time when you have to sort through mountains of paperwork. GSMtasks uses a cloud-based filing system that allows you to access your information from any device with an Internet connection in no time.

Secure your documents and client information

We are all going to make mistakes; it’s human nature. Paper documents might get lost or be misplaced, never to be found again. For a company, this might cause many problems and cost you clients and their trust.

With GSMtasks, your client information and documents are saved on a secure server that is backed up by another server. GSMtasks clientele never has to worry about anything ever getting lost. Securing your documents also means that they are accessible only to the right people.

Better the communication between your staff

Sharing files and documents online means faster and more precise communication between your workers. With GSMtasks, all the information will be transferred automatically after the driver changes their task status to “completed.” There is no need to wait for them to go to the office after work and hand over paper documents.

Not only does this save resources, yet it will reduce the employee’s time, especially if contracts or billing information have to be checked over by multiple people.

Receive customer payments faster

If you extend credit to your clients, you have to send them an invoice at some point or another. Even if you already email them invoices and save money on paper, someone still needs to compose the bill using the information they receive from the delivery person or technician.

With GSMtasks’s digital forms, the office staff will receive the essential information needed as soon as the task is completed and can create an electronic bill in just a few minutes. Customers will likely receive the emailed invoice immediately, which could speed up their payment, excluding the possibility of claims that they haven’t received a bill at all.

How going digital is boosting company profit

Why should companies embrace a paperless business model?

Well, according to research, some 80% of companies that have undergone digital transformation efforts actually increased profitability, compared to 53% of other companies, according to a new report from SAP.

Firms that implement a digital transformation strategy reported higher profits and greater employee engagement than other businesses.

Becoming more of an environmental company then not only has greater benefits for the environment – yet more significant productivity and profit.

Want to try out GSMtasks and go paperless as well? We have a FREE 14-day trial (no credit card required). Sign up and give it a try!

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The app allows for easy communication between you and your drivers while providing drivers with all of GSMTasks benefits.