
How task management software helps to deliver great customer service

More and more companies are turning to task management software as a core focus on implementing excellent customer satisfaction

Customer review

Post summary:

  • How the definition of excellent customer service has changed over time
  • How mobile task management helps create customer value
  • How you could maximize your efficiency and boost profits

Customer service encompasses any interaction that clients have with your company and includes the entire experience from the first contact to final sale.

To be able to succeed as a business, you first have to think about what exactly “Good customer service” is. The truth is, the meaning of excellent service has changed drastically in the last decade and is nothing like it used to be.

Customer service has evolved, thanks in part to the technology that is changing with it. Delivering customer service that lives up to the high standards we see today is anything but easy.

In this article, we will examine modern customer expectations and how to exceed them with the help of a field service management tool like GSM Tasks.

The definition of excellent customer service has evolved

It’s not news to anyone that generations differ from each other significantly. However, why? The difference comes from the significant events that took place in their formative years. These events have affected the way each generation sees the world and influence their expectations on services as well.

The generational challenges

Generations Y and Z have been brought up in a world where freedom of choice is significant. Technology is evolving rapidly, and the option of fast and flexible services hold more value than ever.

Today, generations Y and Z account for most consumers worldwide, therefore, have the most significant influence on the market. They crave fast (real-time) and personalized services, value connected experience, and proactive approach.

Good customer service today

Gladly conducted an online survey in 2018 in the United States to find out the trends and insights from consumers about customer service.


The study revealed that the factors that affect the customers the most are:

  • how fast the service is provided
  • how personal the service is
  • how strong is the record of excellent customer service

As much as 92% of the surveyed consumers said that they would switch to another company after 3 (or fewer) bad experiences. Another study demonstrated that 64% of costumers expect companies to interact with them in real-time and look for proactive services. For example, people wish to be notified about the arrival or delay of their shipment before the arrival window even occurs.

Help is nearby

Expectations are high and offering the best service on the market means a lot of hard work and dedication. Fortunately, there is a simple way to improve the contentment of your clients.

An excellent delivery routing & management software provides companies with all the necessary tools to simplify their daily workflow, making those customer satisfaction rates skyrocket!

Mobile task management creates customer value

Task management software allows proactive companies to manage and analyze their mobile fleet or workforce online. It has several features that enable businesses to not only simplify and optimize daily work but provide a better experience than your customers have with your service.

Today, already more than half (56%) of service organizations investigate using more technologies to perform tasks that would usually require human interaction.

Automation can vary from route planning and optimization to assigning tasks to employees and sending out notifications to clients about an upcoming service time or delivery.

Allowing software to complete these tasks for you will free up much time and let the focus be prioritized on higher-value work. Not to mention the significance of reducing fuel consumption and personnel costs.

Speed and reliability

GSM Tasks plans optimized multi-stop routes automatically in just minutes. GPS navigation integration provides drivers with a map and the fastest route to the client (seen on their GSMtasks app). Real-time traffic updates and a notification is sent if they might be running late.

Route optimization software empowers businesses to provide a faster and more reliable service to your customers and rescues you from hours of manual fleet planning and route optimization.

Real-time interaction

GSM Tasks offers both manual and automated notification options. Keeping your customers informed about the upcoming service or package delivery time, so they can plan their day better and be in the right place at the right time. A trigger-based SMS or E-MAIL notification will be sent out automatically when your employees start or finish a task.

The notification also includes an HTML tracking link, that allows clients to trace the route of their package or the employee, allowing them to plan their time even better. A simple feature that doesn’t create extra work for you but makes the client feel like a top priority.

Proactivity and personalization

Customers increasingly equate excellent customer service with proactive service. Real-time notifications, provided by GSM Tasks app, allow your customers to take action before the arrival window occurs.

In our fast-paced world, daily plans may change quickly, so having the option to change the delivery time provides a lot of added value. In turn, your employees can move on to a new task without wasting time or fuel, and your customers feel they’re getting personal service.

Boost profits as you go

Creating value in everything you do and provide to your customers is a must for all brands that wish to stay competitive. Today’s buyers have high expectations and little loyalty to spare if you fail to meet them.

A customer service expectation survey highlighted that almost 70% of buyers would pay more for products or services from a company with a record of excellent customer service.

As a company owner or business manager, you should build your strategy on fostering good customer relations and boosting word-to-mouth advertising, with the premise of crafting a loyal and bigger customer base, and eventually, more significant profits.

Taking advantage of mobile task management software is one solution to increase customer satisfaction and gives you a plethora of other options to maximize your worker efficiency.

Please take a look at all GSM Tasks services to see how your company could benefit from them!

Or grab the bull by the horns & start your FREE 14-day trial now!

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